This Section gives You the details and itemized costs for constructing and installing An E.P.K. that WORKS. All the needed elements are combined into your band’s website in a format that is friendly to mobile devices in both display and function.

1. Main Web Page Mobile Friendly Redesign and Installation. $150. New Bio.$50.

Example Links: Go here on your iPhone or Android.

Wordpress installation $150. To be able to update it yourself anytime through any computer browser. To be able to take advantage of many other features referred later in this presentation including on site streaming audio, podcasts and a gigs calendar booking system exclusively for your band.

Example Links:

Listen: Suggested: Link to your Bandcamp and Soundcloud accounts.   (provides extra Search audience. Free service, Labor on html & uploading can be DIY or negotiable hire.  [The Wordpress Installation] will include the podpress player.   Self updateable. *Note This player works best across all the platforms I have tested, mobile and desktop.  This technology is always subject to change.

Example Links:

Video: A video link is needed. Link to your own YouTube Channel (DIY or Labor hire) And/or [WordPress Installation] includes separate video page, self updateable.  A video can also be placed on the home page in the new mobile friendly format.

Example Links:

Recent appearances. [Wordpress Installation] includes Gigs Calendar. Otherwise You will have to leave it as it is. *Note to test out or install other booking systems available on Wordpress will be $50. per session.

Example Links:

Gigs Calendar Included with [Wordpress Installation] This is what I use. It can take on many font styles depending on the wordpress theme. I recommend the theme referenced in these links which I have modified for maximum Mobile display and functionality. It can be customized with background colors & graphics. There are many benefits to this system. It stores your venue contact info for future use. It can be linked and displayed on virtually any webpage. Individual gigs can likewise be linked. It automatically provides maps and ticketing links to each venue. A phone text notification system can be added for all band members and road crew for $50. *Note to test out or install other booking systems available on Wordpress will be $50. per session

Example Links:

Photos Leave it as is for web display only. The photo download and storage software I’m using can be added and linked to the modified homepage for $50. plus the software usage license ($15.) This is included as part of the [Agency Page]and can hold and download High res images for press use.

Example Links:

Contact You typically need these contact addresses on your page. Booking, Publicist, Management, Music licensing, Band Contact. You, of course have your own band contact address which can be added to this page. Anything You do not currently have can be left off but Booking and Publicity are very helpful to get your show bookings rolling. Both Booking and Publicist will be added with the [Agency Page]. An external Contact page will be added as part of [Wordpress Install] Or an additional HTML page can be added to your mobile friendly homepage for $50.

Costs for a complete makeover for your home page website to make it into a complete E.P.K. minus the agency page comes to:
$150. for mobile friendly homepage
$ 50. for updated professional bio. (included with Agency page option)
$150. for Wordpress Installation and configuration for necessary band functions which includes all the above listed functions indicated by “[Wordpress Installation]” including
Gigs Calendar,
Previous shows archive,
Podpress & streaming audio across all devices.
additional pages for
and more functions if the need arises. All Wordpress functions are fully updateable by the user(s) through any web browser over any computer’s internet connection.

Agency Page Contains a complete Publicist and booking system including the first radio tracklist which is integrated into the page. This is a shared, i.e. “non exclusive contract.” A more exclusive arrangement may be offered at a future date. This allows the band to book shows on it’s own behalf without additional booking percentage being charged for each show.
$375. (each additional future radio tracklst is $75.)

Example Links:

Press Releases These are formatted for excellent viewing on mobile devices and each resides on it’s own .html webpage. They can be quickly and easily shared via links and are formatted so that a one step cut and paste can drop the entire press released into a blank html enabled email window. (gmail and other providers also work also though not as precisely as an html email program, however most people are not as critical to these details as I am ~R.) Each press release is $80. which includes one entire city/regional press emailing to all the local media contacts. Each additional city is $50. Radio Onesheet distribution is included in these fees.

Example Links:

Radio One-Sheet Tracklists These have proven to be one of the most valuable elements of the entire PR process. $75. each. Distribution is included with Press Release distribution.

Example Links:

Posters Design =$150. includes one venue logo/ event listing. $8. each additional city/venue/event. (This does not including printing, distribution or shipping. An updated complete invoice sample will be available shortly ~R.)

Example Links:

Complete Media Liason On-Call. Recommended for High demand clients. Negotiable rates. For an interesting bit of information do some research on “publicist fees.” ~R.

Booking 15% of gross receipt for each event booked by our agency services. N/A for “shared booking” events booked by the artist. ALL events booked by each party MUST be shared within a single booking calendar with shared booking arrangements.